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Eric Sayward of We Are Change with Tim Watts, Sean Wright

Wed. 8/22/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.)

I’m traveling today, so Eric Sayward of We Are Change -Wisconsin will guest host. Eric is a former US Army demolitions specialist who knew controlled demolitions when he saw them on 9/11. He’s currently one of the Midwest’s most committed, fire-breathing activists.

Guest host Eric Sayward

First hour: Tim Watts joins Eric Sayward to discuss aviation aspects of the 9/11 attacks.

Second hour: Sean Wright of We Are Change – Minnesota reports live from Tampa, Florida on the run-up to next week’s Republican National Convention, where a storm of protests – and a plain-old storm – are expected to provide some serious excitement. (Note – if you’re young and adventuresome, HEAD FOR TAMPA AND JOIN THE FUN!)

2 Thoughts to “Eric Sayward of We Are Change with Tim Watts, Sean Wright”

  1. Anonymous

    hey Kevin, saw your VT article about Chamish saying Bollyn is right. Here's a new podcast, Kerry Cassidy interviews Chamish,
    "Barry Chamish talks about the different flavors of Zionist in Israel, Christopher Bollyn, 9-11, Rothschild's and other Israeli conspiracies"

  2. Anonymous

    Great job as guest host. I really wanted to call in when you asked for calls, but I was listening to the podcast. I will have to listen live more often! How inspiring both Eric and the guests were. But Kevin, we did miss you! The best advice given was to look at politicians' voting record and ignore their speeches. If only I had followed this advice earlier in my life!

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